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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Back in Malawi

This is a little tributary off lake Malawi, with a typical fishing boat, a dug-out canoe. Right now the rains have come and so far they are good. This is excellent news for Malawi as last year's rains were awful and the last few months have seen food shoratges and tremendous starvation around this empoverished country. Of course with the rains come flies and mosquitoes. I have encountered several cases of malaria on this trip - don't worry Mom, I am being safe. The country is lush and green right now - the rains make everyone much more relaxed and happy, it's almost as if the farmers can take a little break from tilling their lands while Mother Nature takes over for a little while.

Lilongwe has always been a sleepy, little African capital city, but on this trip I seem to notice it even more. Maybe because I spend more time in bustling Nairobi, but wow is this place quiet. At 9:00 PM I can drive (yep, I am driving around here and it's fun to be behnd the wheel again) from down-town (as it is) to the neighbourhood where I am staying with friends and only see five other cars on the road. It's a good, relaxed quiet, with a lot of friendly people. The work here is good and with some more effort and luck I should be starting a program here - for someone else to run. They get to live in The Warm Heart of Africa, while I get to come visit from time to time.

I did get to Dedza, which is a little village an hour outside of Lilongwe, where there's a fabulous cafe and pottery factory. Pictures from there to come soon.

This is all for now, watch this space for updates soon!


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